Talofa Lava bloggers,

On Monday the 27th of May 2024, Room 6 made a Samoan language week art. We had to go to the class site and go on Cybersmart. There was a link and we pressed on it. It lead us to a place called “Cybersmart Challenge” It had instructions about what we were going to do. We found out that we had to copy a template on Google drawings. that was on that page and we had to make Samoan patterns on the Google drawings. When I copied it, it just had a grid that helped me sort out my designs. Every pattern that I made on that Google drawings has a meaning to it. I used the curve line tool on Google drawings to help me do this.


Here is my Samoan Language Week art:


I hope you like my Samoan Language week art!

Here is what they are:


  1.  The first one is a Star.
  2. The second one is a Jellyfish.
  3. The third one means protected.
  4. The fourth one is a seagull.
  5. The fifth one is a starfish.
  6. The sixth one is a cross.
  7. The seventh one is a Worm or Catapiller.
  8. And the last two mean headrest used by Samoans when in a lying postion.


Have you ever made a Samoan Language week art like this? Tell me in the comments!!

Press on “Room 6” to go to Room 6’s class site!!

Thank you for reading my blog!!

Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!!

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