Kamusta bloggers,


On the 29th of May 2024, it hailed a lot! When it first started, Room 6 was watching from the windows of the classroom. Then after it stopped, Mr Albert said that we could go and play in the Hail. After 2 minutes, Room 8 and 9 joined us. We were all throwing the hail everywhere and it was a lot of fun! I loved it! It was on the court, grass, deck of room 6, the Fale and more! It had not hailed all year! Wow😆! Zaina’s feet got numb and Eva’s and my hands got numb! It was so cold and fun! I want it to hail again so we can play in the hail again and throw it at each other!.


Here is some photo’s and video’s that Mr Albert took when we were playing in the hail:



And here is the picture that I took from inside the class after we came back in after playing:




Have you ever played in Hail before? Tell me in the comments!

Press on “Eva” to go to her blog!

Press on “Zaina” to go to her blog!

Press on “Room 6” to go to the class site!

Press on “Mr Albert” to go to Room 6’s class blog!

Thank you for reading my blog!!

Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!!

One thought on “🌨️Hail🥶 2024🗓️

  1. Kia Ora Anoosha,
    What a cool teacher you have letting you ay in the rain! This reminds me of when I did this and my hands felt numb too. What a great recount and awesome video! Thanks for sharing. Keep up the wonderful posts.

    Whaea Sam

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