Kia Ora bloggers,

On the 11th of June 2024, Pohatu Class watched a video about the first man in space.In that video, there was a woman saying that when a five year old girl and her were planting potato’s, then they saw something bright and orange. They were terrified. But it was just Yuri Gagarin. When he said “I am one of you” in Russian(because they were in Russia) they stopped being scared of him.


His name is Yuri Gagarin and he died at 34 years old. After Mr Albert showed us the video on the TV, Mr Albert told us our task. We had to make a Google doc, slides or drawing to research about Yuri Gagarin and put the information there. Mr Albert said we could work in 2’s but Eva asked if we could work in 3’s! And he let us so Zaina, Eva and I were in a group.


The challenging part of making the slides was finding the words we could put in. The easy part was finding the picture’s and inserting them.


Here is our Google slides about Yuri Gagarin:


I hope you like our research and Google slides about Yuri Gagarin!

Have you ever made a Google slides about a person in space? Tell me in the comments!!

(And if the writing does not show up press on right arrow button and then it will show up)

Press on “Eva” to go to her blog!!

Press on “Zaina” to go to her blog!!
Press on “Mr Albert” to go to Room 6’s class blog!

Press on “Pohatu Class” to go to Room 6’s class site!

Thank you for reading my blog!!
Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!!

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