Salam bloggers,


On the 10th of May 2024, Eva, Zaina and Anoosha(me) made a pick a path for Cybersmart. We got to choose what level. Beginner, Confident and Advanced. Eva, Zaina and I worked together in Advanced. We had to make a pick a path about how to share online and what you should not or should tell people.



I found it challenging to pick a background and theme for our pick a path. The easy thing was writing the answers, the slides and also to basically do everything expect the background and theme was easy.


If you want to see our pick a path, here it is:



Have you ever made a path panda themed before? Tell me in the comments!!


I hope you liked our pick a path!

Press on”Eva” to go on her blog

Press on “Zaina” to go on her blog

Thank you for reading my blog!

Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!

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