Rebus Puzzle🧩 Step🥿 it up🆙 Summer🌞 Learning🔰 Journey 🏎Task

Konnichiwa bloggers,


on the 29th and 30th of December 2023, I did the Rebus Step it up Task for the Summer Learning Journey. For this Step it up task we had to make a Google slides or Google docs and make a Rebus puzzle with emojis, images and text. I choose to do the Google slides one because I wanted to try that one.


First I got a new Google slide, and then I started to make it. I looked at some examples on the Summer Learning Journey blog and soon found out how to make it. I made it and it took me about half and hour or maybe a bit more. I really liked doing the Google slides because I had never made a Google slides to do with Rebus Puzzles so that why it was really fun!



The challanging part was choosing what puzzles I should put in for this activity. The easy part was making this blog post and also making the answer slides. The answer slides were easy because I already knew the answers and Ii didn’t need to work them out or anything.


If you want to see my Google slides for this task, here it is:


I hope you like my Rebus Puzzle Google Slide!



Could you figure out all or most of my Puzzles on my Google slide? Tell me in the Comments!



Thank you Summer Learning Journey people for making this Step it up task for us all!
Press on the “Summer Learning Journey” to go to their blog!
Thank you for reading my blog!
Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!

Rebus Puzzles🧩 Kickstart Summer🌞 Learning🔰 Journey🏎 Task


S̄wạs̄dī bloggers,

On the 29th of December, I choose to do the Rebus Puzzles task for the Summer Learning Journey because it looked and sounded fun! I also choose it because I like to do stuff with puzzles, even if it has the word puzzle! It sounded fun because there was a word in the title that I didn’t know what it meant! That word was Rebus, meaning: a puzzle in which words are represented by combinations of pictures and individual letters; for instance, apex might be represented by a picture of an ape followed by a letter X.


What we had to do it we had to write a story that could be any type of story. What happened in real life, what you want to happen in real life or you could just write fiction. I choose fiction because in fiction you can add anything(even things that are not real) Then, with that story that you wrote on google docs, you had to take some words and put a emoji replacing it. An example is if  a word was “walking” in my story, I might replace that word with a emoji representing walking like this emoji:🚶. Then after you have put the emoji’s in your story, you share it on your blog. It also said that you could add a glossary of the emojis you used and I will put it after I show you my story.


The challengning part for me was where to put the emojis. Because sometimes I thought an emoji went there and there was NO emoji for it! The easy part was writing the story because I was writing fiction and it was not hard thinking of a topic to write about.


If you want to see my story with emojis, here it is:



The Haunted 🏡


One day, 2 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 were 🚶 their 🐕‍🦺 when they came across  a haunted 🏡. The 🐕‍🦺 started to bark and the 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 couldn’t stop the 🐕‍🦺. They 🏃 passed that 🏡 and continued 🚶. 


The next day, the same 2 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 were 🚶 their 🐕‍🦺 again as usual. They took another route that didn’t have a haunted 🏡. But, as the 2 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 were 🚶 past a normal looking 🏡, the 🐕‍🦺 started to bark and bark until the 🧑‍🤝‍🧑and 🐕‍🦺 moved onto another sidewalk.


The 2 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 were so confused! It was a totally normal 🏡 and their 🐕‍🦺 just started barking all of a sudden. The next day when the 2 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 took their 🐕‍🦺 for a 🚶, they fully changed the entire route that they 🚶 and when the 2 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 and their 🐕‍🦺 arrived 🏡 that day, the 2 people were so happy because their dogs didn’t bark! The 2 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 used the new way everyday when they went for a 🚶 with their 🐕‍🦺. 





I hope you like my story!

Here is the glossary of my emojis I used in my story:






Quickly/run- 🏃




Have you ever made a story including emojis like mine? Tell me in the comments!



Thank you Summer Learning Journey people for making this story with emojis for us!

Press on the “Summer Learning Journey” to take you to their blog!

Thank you for reading my blog!

Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!

*The Step it up task will come out 30th December 2023*




Under🫧 the sea🌊 Step🥿 it up🆙 Summer🌞 Learning🔰 Journey🏎 Task

Happy Summer holidays bloggers,


On the 22nd and 21st of December 2023, I did the Under the sea Step it up task for the Summer Learning Journey. So basically, we had to make a underwater robot. It was fun because I could add my own special things to the robot. I used the shapes on google drawing to make my robot. I first used the shapes, then I added the labels so you know what that is. After I put the labels where i think they should be, I had to write a description about my Underwater Robot.


The challenging part of making the robot was how it looked and what it could be holding or something. The easy part was labeling my robot because I knew where they should be and what to write in the box of the label.



If you want to see my Underwater Robot here it is:


I  hope you like my Underwater Robot!




Have you ever made a Underwater Robot before? Tell me in the comments!



Thank you Summer Learning Journey people for making this Under The Water task!

Press on the “Summer Learning Journey” to take you to their blog

Thank you for reading my blog!
Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!

Under🫧 the sea🌊 Kickstart Summer🌞 Learning🔰 Journey🏎 task

Kamusta bloggers,


On the 21st of December I choose to do the Summer Learning Journey because I was getting bored at home. I choose Under the sea one because it sounded fun! We had to make a copy of the template that was on the Summer Learning Journey  blog. Once I found out what to do and how to do it, I started making it! It was fun choosing some animals from the sea! Once I choose my Under the sea animals, I put them in “their own spot.” Like I put them where I thought it would look in nice there.



The most challenging part was trying to choose some animals for the task. I liked them all(the animals for under the sea) but I only choose like 4 or 5 animals. The easy part was putting them in the place where I thought they looked nice. It was easy because like, if i put an animal like, next to the corner or something, I thought it looked good. So that’s how that was easy to do.



If you want to see my Under the sea task here it is:( And please don’t mind the 2nd slide because that’s where I got the animal pictures from)


On the Summer Learning Journey blog it also said that I had to put at least one fact about each animal you put there so here are the facts;


Whale: The whale is the biggest Mammal that is a animal!

Yellow Tang: Yellow tangs are algae feeders that play a crucial role in coral reef ecosystems!

Orange fish: They are Protandrous hermaphrodites, which means all fish are males except for the largest of the group, which is female!

Starfish: They have no blood or brain! With no brain or blood it seems crazy to think starfish can survive in the depth of the vast ocean. However, they find very clever and simple ways to get around it!

Dolphin: The Amazon river is home to four species of river dolphin that are found nowhere else on Earth!



Hope you liked my Under the sea task AND my facts.



Have you ever made a Under the sea task not on The Summer Learning Journey? Tell me in the comments!


Press on the” Summer Learning Journey” to go to the blog!

Thank you for reading my blog!

Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!

🌞Summer Learning🔰 Journey🚓 Super hero🦸 task

S̄wạs̄dī bloggers,


On the 5th of December 2023, Room 8 and 9 went into room 7 to do Cybersmart. We soon found out that we had to register on the Summer Learning Journey and we had to do a type of task like we had to open a google drawing. Then we had to go to and type some words and we had to press a button that said draw after we wrote the words that described our character. When we found the picture we liked, we put it on the google drawing and we had to write a discription that describes our charecter.


I really liked that lesson of Cybersmart because you could make your OWN superhero. The challenging part was that it was hard finding a picture I liked and also it was hard when I had to write the weakness and her weapons. We also had like 30 minutes on the 6th of December to finish it and post it.



If you want to see my super hero and her history and stuff here it is:


Hope you like my ANOOSHA MADE Superhero. I had


Have you ever made a superhero thing like this before? Tell me in the comments!

Press on”” to go on it

Thank you for reading my blog!!
Make sure to read my other blogs too!!


🤖 AI 🏫School Art🎨

Privet bloggers,


On the 28th of November 2023, Hay Park School had 2 days of doing Art. Room 8(my class) were doing something like we went on a website called and we had to put words in a box and to choose a Art style. If we liked the picture, we had to draw a practice one first. Eva and I were scared to draw what we had choosen but we soon started. I liked mine because it was mostly shapes. Eva’s one was like a a girl, and she looked like she was in a forest.


The difficult part in drawing the picture was that the sky was kind of hard, It had different shapes and it kind of looked like an eye.


If you want to see the picture I was drawing, here it is:



After we had drew the first paper, we also had to draw it on a second paper. That first paper was just a practice and the second paper was the real one. I think I did better on the second paper than the first paper😀!



After we drew on the second paper, on that paper we had to paint it. I used the places of the colors on the picture and put colors where I thought it would look good.


If you wanted to see my painting, I could not find it bin a shared folder made by Mr. Albert(my teacher)

I’m sorry and I might add it Shortly…



P.S I am making a Question of the blog post.


Is AI making humans lazy by making them do their homework and stuff?? Tell me in the comments!!

Press on “Eva” to go to her blog

Press on “Mr. Albert” to go to Room 8’s class blog

Thank you for reading my blog!!

Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!!




🗞News Article 🎨

Salam bloggers,


On the 20th of November 2023, Room 8 had to make a News Article on Google drawing. You could choose whatever uses AI because AI is our Inquiry topic.  The main ideas were Self driving cars and ChatGPT. Eva and I choose ChatGPT because it sounded the easiest. It sounded the eastiest because there is an app that is called ChatGPT that can tell you about ChatGPT.( it’s ChatGPT can tell you about her/him)


It was not that hard because I used ChatGPT. But, it was hard making the template and writing in my own words.

I hope you like it.

Here is my News Article:


I really hope you liked it!

Have you made a news Article like this? Tell me in the comments.

Press on “Eva” to go to her blog!

Thank you for reading me blog!

Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!

😎Smart Searching🕵

Kia Ora bloggers,

On the 14th of November 2023, Room 8 went into Room 9 to do some Cybersmart. We have finished the media topic and we are doing a topic about Smart Searching. We watched a video about how Google works like how it finds pages in like HALF a second of what words you have put in. We have learnt that the search bar or URL bar is called an Ominbox.


After that, Miss Patel explained what we were going to do next. Room 8 and and 9 had some words on a google slides which they made a copy of. There were words like, Blue sky and words like that. We had to search those words on Google and take a screenshot of what came up when we searched it. We had put it on the slides.


If you want to see the slides and see what came up when I searched it, here it is:




The challenging part of doing it was that we had to Google MOSTLY everything and it took long getting the information and what parts we had to screenshot the right things and what information we had to put in and not put in.


Thank you for reading my blog!!

Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!!

Almost🔚 End of Film🎦Festival🎎

Zdravstvuyte bloggers,

Today I will write about how the Film festival went. The film festival is when we make 3 minute movies, then, they choose 3 groups to move on to make it better and who will Win! I was in Canada so I thought that my group wouldn’t move on. (And they didn’t) So, I’m going to tell you how things went(Kind of like that)


What did you enjoy the most?

I enjoyed playing my part and filming. Also, I enjoyed making the film together as a group.


What was the most challenging part?

The most challenging part was trying not to laugh in my scene and when filming. Also trying not to shake the camera too much when I was filming the movie.


If you could redo it, what would you change?

I would not change anything because I like my film and I NEVER would want to change it. I like how it is now.


Have you answered some questions like this on your blog?

Thank you for reading my blog!! Make sure you look at my other classmates blogs too!

Cybersmart Drawing Tutorial🖊

Happy Indian Language week bloggers,

On the 7th of November 2023, Room 8(My class) had Cybersmart. We had to watch some drawing tutorials on the google slides for the Cybersmart. We had to choose what do make, a Google Drawing, Google sheets or a drawing on paper. If you choose paper, you had to make a drawing tutorial. Vanessah, Eva and I chose to do the drawing on paper because we wanted to do the tutorial and we also wanted to draw on the paper. My video was 8:06 sec. Vanessah’s video was 9:26 sec and Eva’s video was 6:01 sec. We had to do a lot of retaking because people kept coming in or we messed up what we were saying. There were also a lot of pauses because we were about to laugh, or we had to show the paper to the camera while we were drawing so we obviously had to pause it so they don’t know we were doing it on a chromebook🤫.



If you wanted to see the video, Edublogs will not let me put on the video because the video is too heavy or too long. I’m sorry if you wanted to see my tutorial. I will TRY to put all the media I need in all my blog posts.


It was also funny when Eva or Vanessah said something weird or somthing I ALWAYS had to pause the video before I laughed. Because if I did not pause it, I would have to redo the WHOLE video.


Thank you for reading my blog!!

Make sure to read my other classmates blogs too!!